Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Modern Portfolio Theory Compound Interest Rebalancing Beta / Volatility Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show’s audience. Follow me on Twitter […]
Rate of Return – The difference between $2k and $1.4 million
Rate of return of is one of the three most important factors that determine how much money you make investing. The other two are your expenses and your risk of loss, which are both closely related to rate of return. In our previous post, we discussed compound interest and how earning interest on your interest is […]
Compound Interest
Almost everyone has heard of interest. If you have a bank account, the bank probably pays you interest. (Even if it is a 0.000001% interest rate) If you have any debt, then you are likely paying interest on that debt. However, do you understand the effects of compound interest? Compound interest is the effect of […]