Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Arbitrage Efficient Market Hypothesis Brand Power Luxury Power Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show’s audience. Follow me on Twitter and […]
72 – Binary Investing Outcomes: How the Coronavirus is impacting stock portfolios
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Normal Distribution (Statistics) Resulting (Read: Annie Duke’s book) Efficient Market Hypothesis Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show’s audience. Follow me […]
Stock Market Bubble 2018: Low volatility, High momentum
Daily new all-time highs each and every consecutive day is not a normal phenomenon. The current stock market bubble is made up of many individual cases of bubble sightings. One sign in particular that I want to highlight is the recent occurrence of regular and repeated all-time new highs for many of the largest market cap […]
Efficient Market Hypothesis Case Study: Amazon vs Berkshire Hathaway
The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that it is impossible to outperform or beat the market because stocks and bonds are always priced at fair value. Fair value is determined by the market incorporating all publicly available about a company into it’s stock price. As an investor, you should determine whether or not you believe the […]