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Omnicom Business Quality Report (OMC)
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Asymmetric Risk and Reward: GameStop 2018 (Episode005)
GameStop in 2018 is a prime example of an investment with asymmetric risk and reward. The company offers a greater than 10% dividend yield with a payout ratio less than 50%. As long as the dividend can be paid we’ll make a good return. (NYSE: GME) The show notes for this episode, including my outline for […]
NACCO Industries spin-off of Hamilton Beach Brands: September 2017 Investor Presentation Review
The NACCO Industries spin-off occurred in September 2017. You can find the investor presentation I am reviewing on NACCO’s website through this link. The presentation is dated September 18th, 2017. NACCO Industries, Inc (NYSE: NC) spin-off of Hamilton Beach Brands (NYSE: HBB) September 2017 Investor Presentation Review In August of 2017, a NACCO Industries spin-off […]
Ultimate Guide: Uuptick Stock Analysis Software
Today, I have the opportunity to share that I’ve been selected to be one of a small group of beta-testers for Uuptick stock analysis software. Uuptick is a new tool being developed with a specific target audience of dividend growth investors. Uuptick offered me this chance to test out their product as they continue developing features […]